Chrome book vs tablet vs laptop
Chrome books:
Chromebooks are hybrid laptops the software runs on the chrome books are chrome OS, work done here is on the cloud storage, if you want to work on a word document you have to use google Docx for that, basically it is like using chrome browser only on a laptop and in near future google said that it will bring support for play store apps like android
- All the work done is synced with cloud storage (google drive)
- It is thin and light laptop with more battery life than a traditional laptop
- Google Drive storage up to 100gb
- Limited onboard storage
- No wide support for apps and can’t do basic photo editing on board
- Free 100gb google Drive storage limited to two years only
- It cannot replace a traditional laptop as of now
- Third-party apps are very few in ChromeOS

(here we are majorly referring to iPads and surface book because other tablets are not that great as for now)
When you take an iPad it is mostly perfect hybrid for a mobile and a laptop when you go for light workload like little photoshop, android tablets are not that great maybe because Google is trying to push chrome books instead of tablets.
Apple always improving iPad OS and it is generations ahead of others
When I say laptop both windows and macOS laptops they come in a wide range and with wide configuration to handle workload here are some of the issues with traditional laptops
- They are heavy
- Battery life is not that great when compared to chrome books and tablets
- But when it comes to work load handling laptop’s are your choice
Our final verdict:
If you are a light user like binge-watching, light photo editing, emailing, web browsing then an iPad, Microsoft surface book or tablets are good to go
Chromebooks need to evolve more to replace other devices
If you are a heavy user then you need a laptop for sure
iPad cannot replace your laptop right now if you are a heavy user